Governance Documents

We maintain the highest standards of corporate governance and ethical conduct.

  • Code of Business Conduct

    Arch Capital Group Ltd. and its subsidiaries are committed to integrity in the conduct of their business and require that all employees perform their duties in a manner which is legally, ethically and morally irreproachable. Our Board of Directors and senior management have made the development of an organizational culture that encourages compliance with the highest ethical standards one of our first priorities.

  • Arch Supplier Code of Conduct

    In the interest of working with suppliers that adhere to same ethical standards that we do, we maintain a Supplier Code of Conduct that sets forth our expectations for all suppliers providing goods or services to Arch. We are committed to engaging with contractors, consultants, suppliers and vendors that conduct business with the highest level of integrity.

  • Arch Sustainability Report 2023

    This is our fifth year reporting on Arch’s commitment to incorporating sustainable practices into our business Throughout 2023, we focused on initiatives that facilitate and contribute to a more secure and sustainable future.

  • Sustainability Accounting Standards Board Disclosure Report 2023

    We provide the following disclosures, aligned with the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) framework for the insurance industry.

  • Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures 2023

    In line with TCFD guidance for insurance companies, we disclose the following governance around climate-related risks and opportunities, including the roles of the Board of Directors and management.

  • California Bill 1305 Information

    The purpose of this document is to aid in gathering information required to be disclosed by California’s AB1305 Voluntary Carbon Market Disclosures beginning Jan. 1, 2024.

  • Corporate Governance Guidelines

    Director qualifications, responsibilities, election procedures, committees and more.

  • Thermal Coal Policy

    By focusing on environmental issues that align with our corporate values, we are able to reduce risk exposures and support our core business strategy. Since certain sensitive transactions have heightened environmental risks, including thermal coal mining and thermal coal powered plants, we adopted a policy that identifies and manages our approach.

  • Responsible Investing Policy

    As a long-term asset manager and owner, we believe integrating Environmental, Social and Governance factors into investment analysis and decision-making contributes to improved investment returns and reduced risk over the long term and aligns with our policyholders’, shareholders’ and other stakeholders’ best interests.

Human Rights

Arch Capital Group Ltd. and its subsidiaries are committed to respecting the rights of all individuals in our value chain. Our policy sets forth standards for global business conduct related to human rights and labor for our company.

Data Security

We collect and analyze personal data as part of our business operations. Arch is committed to applying high standards of diligence and security when it comes to handling and protecting personal data and observing data protection laws and regulations.

Document Archives

Arch Sustainability Report 2022

We believe in the value of transparency around our sustainability initiatives, and we are excited to share our 2022 progress.

View 2022 Sustainability PDF

Sustainability Accounting Standards Board Disclosure Report 2022

In addition to providing comprehensive disclosure on our website regarding our approach to value creation, which integrates environmental, social and governance (“ESG”) topics, we provide the following disclosures, which are aligned with the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (“SASB”) framework for the insurance industry.

View 2022 SASB PDF

Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures 2022

The TCFD guidance requests that insurance companies disclose the organization’s governance around climate-related risks and opportunities, including the roles of the Board of Directors and management.

View 2022 TCFD PDF

Arch Sustainability Report Summary 2021

View 2021 Summary PDF

Arch Sustainability Report 2021

View 2021 Sustainability PDF

Sustainability Accounting Standards Board Disclosure Report 2021

View 2021 SASB PDF

Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures 2021

View 2021 TCFD PDF

2020 Arch Sustainability Report

View 2020 Sustainability PDF

Sustainability Accounting Standards Board Disclosure Report 2020

View 2020 SASB PDF

Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures 2020

View 2020 TCFD PDF

2019 Arch Sustainability Report

This first sustainability report incorporates and reflects ESG disclosures and meaningful sustainability stories from across our organization in 2019.

View 2019 Sustainability PDF

Arch SASB Disclosure Report 2019

This report is an initial step in our strategy to improve our sustainability disclosure framework. In addition to providing comprehensive disclosure on our website regarding our approach to value creation, Arch is providing the following disclosures.

View 2019 SASB PDF