Our Operations

By actively managing ESG risks and embedding compliance, transparency, data protection and resiliency across all areas of our operations, we protect our people and customers who entrust us with their personal information and business.

Data Protection and
Cybersecurity Strategy

We prioritize the management of cybersecurity risk and the protection of information across our enterprise at several levels, including board oversight, executive commitment and employee awareness and training.

  • Cyber incidents, natural disasters and other business outages are escalated to our Crisis Incident Management Team (CIMT). Each quarter, the CIMT exercises its communication plan to ensure that all members of the team can be alerted quickly in the event of an actual crisis.

Business Ethics and

Honesty, integrity and trustworthiness are core values that define our culture and drive our relationships with our customers, employees and business partners.

  • 100% of our worldwide employees and directors are expected to certify that they have received, understand and will follow the policies and standards in our Code of Business Conduct (Code).
  • All employees are required to complete mandatory compliance training that includes our Code, privacy and information security awareness, anti-harassment, sanctions awareness, records management and social media.

Responsible Sourcing

We are committed to working with suppliers that adhere to the same ethical and ESG standards as Arch. We continue to ask new and legacy vendors to acknowledge our Supplier Code of Conduct and the standards set forth in our Human Rights Policy.

In December 2022, we launched the Arch Supplier Diversity Program as part of our Diversity and Inclusion strategy. This program is designed to strengthen our supplier relationships while ensuring engagement with capable, innovative and qualified businesses owned and operated by people of diverse backgrounds. See how to register to become a diverse supplier.

Environmental Impact

Arch continues to identify opportunities to reduce the environmental impact of our global operations. We recognize the importance of doing our part to decrease greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions associated with our business. We are taking strategic steps to achieve our goals to reduce or negate our impact on the environment while engaging our employees to raise awareness and encourage sustainable actions and thinking.

We measure our carbon footprint and emissions annually, as reported in our TCFD Report. We have set the following targets:

  • Reducing absolute Scope 1 and Scope 2 GHG emissions by 42% by 2030, from a 2020 base year.
  • Achieve net zero operations by 2030 by purchasing carbon removal offsets for our remaining Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions.

Select to Explore Each of Our Five Key Impact Areas

Our Business
Our Operations
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Our People
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